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IvettaShinelive sex stripping with hd cam


8 thoughts on “IvettaShinelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I communicated how this hurt me and he just laughed about it. It was a hurtful thing to me because we had already been together “officially” for almost a year at that point. That’s my main concern over ending it.

  2. – as difficult as it was for me to understand why I had done that.

    You did it because you don't care about being a homewrecker. You did it because you didn't care about the poor woman you hurt. If you have even a shred of decency, you will tell her what you did so she can find closure her own way.

  3. I took my (29m) partner (29f) back after she cheated and

    Uh oh.

    resounding advice to END IT

    Excellent. Glad that you well heeded our advice and …

    I didn't head that advice

    Oh sh*t.

    emotions got the better of me, I still loved

    Uh oh … addiction/dependency.

    would occasionally pop into my head when watching movies or TV where infidelity was present

    Trauma. She traumatized you. Nothin' for you to be ashamed of, she seriously did you wrong, and yeah, it caused some damage – and you've not yet fully recovered from it.

    thought of us being at a wedding feels almost embarrassing

    And rightly so.

    felt like I wanted to attend social events alone rather than as a couple. Maybe I somehow felt embarrassed.


    she'd been texting the guy again

    Apparently, it's nothing more than that

    guy was saved under a different name, and almost all messages were deleted

    Uh huh … and why's that? 'Cause she has nothing to hide? Yeah, right.

    love this person




    Yes, that's long been established for her.

    love the girl

    There's that addiction/dependency thing again.

    says all the right things

    Oh, except for the lies, dishonesty, cheating, withholding of relevant information … not to mention what she does and fails to do.

    feels fu**** beyond repair

    Well, if it feels like a duck, walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, looks like a duck, … yeah, it's fu**** beyond repair.

    know what comments I will receive here

    Uhm, … see previous comments. 🙂

    don't want to taint people's opinions of her

    Oh, you can taint away … but no need, she'a already done that to herself. Her true colors will very much show through – you needn't assist her with that.

    love her

    There's that addiction/dependency thing again. You should fix that. Like go cold turkey from that drug.

    And you should get her the hell out'a your place … unless you really don't want to live there anymore … in which case get yourself the hell out'a there.

    And yeah, in case there was any question about it – it's over … I think you also got advised about that earlier. 😉

    Good luck … and get her the hell out'a your life.

    And, hopefully your next post, we won't be needing to tell you to refer to the advice and responses on your earlier posts.

  4. My wife would be pissed as well. A simple “hi good to see you, sorry I have a killer headache so I am going to lie down” would probably have been better no?

  5. Thank you, I'm going to put more effort in my relationship, maybe I'm the problem, I need to be a better husband, I need to be more creative in order to be a better lover with my wife. I really appreciate your advice

  6. He should have asked YOU first not his buddy. That is a breach of trust.

    Secondly if you get it on with someone who is living with you, you will never get him to leave.

    This should be an enthusiastic yes from everyone involved.

    If you do go through with it, you need to have a long talk with your husband. Boundaries, safe words, what you BOTH want from this. What is to be expected, things you won’t do.

    Good luck

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