Kony, Nicole the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Kony, Nicole, 20 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Kony, Nicole

Kony, Nicole live sex chat

Date: November 1, 2022

47 thoughts on “Kony, Nicole the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. No, a 32 old doesn't take you seriously. If he wanted to date someone he considers equal, he would date someone his own age. And he wouldn't ask for a relationship during dirty talking while having sex.

    He wants someone inexperienced who looks up to him. And you already see misogynist traits in him. That's not healthy.

    Older guys being into young, inexperienced women is rather toxic, and you only focussing on such guys is a recipe for disaster.

  2. You are incompatible. Doesn't matter how good he is and how much he cares about you, you have different libidos. So unless his libido is caused by a medical issue and he is willing to fix it you are doomed. You will just grow more resentment towards him until it boils to the point you will really cheat or leave him. So you should end this relationship now and find sexually compatible partner. And he needs to find a girl who doesn't have sex as a priority.

  3. You need to grow up and figure that out. Imagine turning it around and you were rejected because you were fat but 2 years later lost a lot of weight and are cute now and now he wants you because you are skinny not because of who you are.

    Leave the guy alone

  4. That's a very good point. I do plan on basing my decision to see him at based on his reaction to when I tell him no.

  5. He didn't tell you he watched porn and you kicked him out? WTAF. What is wrong with you? And don't blame pregnancy hormones because I know that's not it. I was pregnant twice back to back and no matter how much pork my partner watched(if he did) I wouldn't kick him out. I'd be happy I don't HAVE to have sex while being nauseous and exhausted. Seriously, what else happened? There's no way you kicked him out ONLY bc you found porn on his phone. Right?

  6. You’re not at all overreacting. Making “jokes” like that and misgendering you is completely disrespectful to who you are. You deserve better, OP. You deserve someone who unquestionably sees you as the man that you are.

  7. This is abusive behavior. By making you feel guilt for not having sex, she is manipulating you. She’s making you feel like you need to say yes for the sake of the relationship, which is not actually consent.

  8. I know it’s futile to help him in anyway, but how can I stop him instead, like forcefully stop him? He can’t keep doing this.

  9. I'll probably get downvoted but so be it.

    I think he's lying and has found someone else.

    He's not dying, ffs.

    Why are you certain he is telling the truth? He won't even give you details of what he's supposedly dying from.

  10. Yeah, this is definitely an offense that's potentially a dealbreaker. I can't imagine going through life after that, now paranoid about where I look. I'd be worried any glance towards any female that isn't VERY clearly over 18 might now be misinterpreted.

    The worst part is that if he does break up with her, in her twisted mind she'll probably tell herself she was right. She'll refer to OP as “that guy who broke up with me because he was a pedo, and I called him out on it, so he broke it off. Probably to chase after little kids or something.”

  11. Sounds horrible yet familiar. Your siblings are being failed by their parents and “the system”. At least you seem to have turned out like a good person, so clearly they aren’t doomed. Isn’t homeschooling supposed to be at least sort of regulated though?

  12. u/saddbitchhajima, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  13. Exactly. He'll continue to pursue women in their early 20s even when he himself is well into his 40s and 50s. Men like that see women as nothing more than bodies that age out of desirability and can be discarded when they hit the arbitrary “wall” they have set.

  14. He has taken care of her for over a year sounds like hes the only one trying in the marriage anymore, why is it on him to get her therapy? whos to say he didnt ask her to get therapy and she refuses? His wife is an adult, she is responsible for herself and her children and right now she is neglecting all parties. Him being upset that his marriage is one sided is whining? hmm sounds more like hes tired of have 5 children to look after when one is suppose to be a partner.

    How are you helping me exactly? trying to show how to be a complete pushover and walked on? Again didnt know wanting a fair partnership and proper marriage is wrong but thats just me i guess, maybe OP should start wiping his wifes ass as well so its easier for her too. His wife isnt telling her needs she is hiding away doing sweet fuck all to get better, its on her to want this not Op to make her want it.

    As for what im doing here, calling out a horrible double standard of reddit, man is sick and depressed kick him out hes a deadbeat. Women is sick and depressed well she needs you to do more, spend more money on her, fix her issues for her, kinda bullshit dont you think?

  15. I would look at it from an insecurity stand point. What are you insecure about? There has to be something. Is your butt big/small? Your breast size too large/too small? How would you feel if your partner said “I'm so glad your butt is flat because I don't like big butts as they age!” Or something like that, ya know?

    I would refrain from talking about dick size.

    Just apologize sincerely. And then seduce him. Lol

  16. Def possible. The oldest text threads I have currently are from 2014 (I’ve had iPhones for the longest so all the threads just transfer over whenever I get a new phone).

  17. In my opinion they got married too fast (only 2 years) and too young (early 20s). Of course someone that young is doubtful about marriage. And doing stupid things. They should I have waited. But at least he’s been a great loving husband and father for 10 years.

    Does that not carry weight with people?

    Yes this guy messed up. But he’s spent 10 years, a third of their lives, creating a loving marriage (as OP said it was perfect and fairytale like).

    The ‘friend’ wanted to ruin her marriage due to resentment and succeeded.

  18. I agree with you. In terms of my fwb, it's confusing. He is my friend and he always says we are “besties”, however we are hooking up. I know for sure he does not want a relationship, neither do I. However I will admit we sometimes act like we are together.

    He has recently told me (we were just talking about things in general) that he doesn't like things being hidden from him and he likes the truth. He's also mentioned that he wouldn't like it if I did something behind his back and I wasn't being a “loyal friend”. I know he has trust issues with people who have betrayed him in the past, so would something like this be considered a betrayal?

  19. Really? He seemed slightly messed up in that he constantly talked about all 4 of his ex girlfriends and I always saw him looking them all up on instagram. He said they’re still his friends as he’s a nice guy. Can his Personal issues prevent desire?

    Like it’s weird he said the low sex drive thing early on, I’m worried he made that up as he knew he didn’t like me from the beginning

  20. That’s the problem with having more than two. OP did stop but that didn’t make the other two stop. It’s a different dynamic to withdraw consent in a 2-person than on a 3-person.

    And who really has experience with this? What other situations have one person stopping and the others stop too? In sports taking your ball and going home is looked down on as selfish. If it’s not your ball the others keep playing. It’s a hard dynamic to pull off. It only really works if the others have enough empathy to see OP’s distress and voluntarily stop despite him saying he is ok if they continue. If you have to ask if if they want to stop then yeah you should stop. Sure it’s fun but if your partner seems distressed then just call a stop to things.

  21. he’s texting other people. that is child behavior. Adults don’t act that way. His damn near 40. He knows better

    he is gaslighting you, girl! That’s what psychopaths do

    He’s dating someone 15 years younger than him. Psychopath behavior.

  22. No judging is fine. I meant judging someone to be a rapist or a serial killer is hard and it really scares me

  23. Tell your dad

    Also, call your aunt and uncle, and tell them exactly what he did, and that if he sets one foot in your house, you're going to report it to the police. That is sexual assault.

  24. I can’t imagine myself saying it to stranger let alone to a friend. And for it to come from my boyfriend? That hurts.

  25. Yeah definitely not normal, I knew some guys who were like this in high school and definitely avoided them after finding out.

  26. I am trying to arrange that but money isn't the best rn we talked about this and we decided that me going would be easier

  27. Ohmygod – that's a HUGE issue. I can't even go there …

    Ignorance aside, you will kill yourself if you don't sleep. Take turns. She can nap when they nap, or ask her mom to cover her for a couple of hours. You don't have this option.

    You need someone in your corner. A public health nurse maybe? Someone that can come in or offer courses on childcare? She's a potential danger to those kids in more than 1 way.

  28. No they don’t – Not In SEA countries , getting a part time job and paying the bills while on moms is not doable. Part time work here pays pennies- I’m not kidding I have a “part time” job and it pays me $218 a month . I work night shifts ( 50 hrs a week )- and study online until I go to uni later this year and even this is possible coz my parents support me financially and I’m in my early twenties.

    Things just aren’t that simple here. Our exams are incredibly tough put that together with our huge population the competition is insane , only the best and those who have the space and time to study get in.

    Op is better off reverse threatening the dad. Also Op is expected to look after the parents in their old age so his money would go to that too

  29. Sadie had to be told.

    She could not possibly be asked to consent to a marriage without knowing this.

  30. Whatever you do, this is a problem that needs to be resolved. She either has to agree to trust you and let you be or you need to break up, at least until you’re able to settle down. If you can talk to her about this, do it. If you can’t, because she becomes upset and cries and argues, then you have your answer. Relationships are supposed to add love and trust to our lives, not misery and stalking.

  31. Ok, so driving that exhausted is legitimately as dangerous as driving under the influence, so that tells me a lot about the SO anyway without the background.

  32. You didn’t fuck anything up. You questioned why she would do that and instead of being understanding and further explaining or apologizing, she flipped it on you and left.

    Tell her to bring your car back or you’ll call it in as stolen and start packing your stuff.

    Find somewhere else to go and in the chance she does come back don’t believe that bullshit love bombing. She’s violent, hateful and likes to create strife and drama. You’ll be much better off without that in your life.

  33. And honestly, that’s the best thing you could do. Step back and away from it for a few days, and think it over.

  34. So when you she comes to me, venting about what’s she’s working on, you want me to tell her to talk to her supervisor about it instead? Yeah i can’t imagine that going down too well tbh and dosent seem very emotionally supportive.

  35. You won't leave her, won't continue to cheat on her, and have given up on trying to fix the issue with her. That pretty much rules out any constructive answer.

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