MiaWills1 live webcams for YOU!


MiaWills1 Public Chat Channel

Date: October 24, 2022

12 thoughts on “MiaWills1 live webcams for YOU!

  1. I have an ex who made a tinder with a random females picture to ‘see’ how it was on a dating site for girls. So yeah, definitely possible it’s a catfish

  2. I would suggest a sex therapist as well. Your wife might need to get her hormones check. A lot of women found out, that was the cause of their low sex drive.

  3. She's into women. It's a thing. Heterosexuality isn't the only sexual preference out there. I hope you will find a woman who will love you the way you want.

  4. 1 of 12

    and 82% of statistics are made up.

    But yeah… take everything on the internet with a grain of salt.

  5. Your fiancee is an asshole, incredibly immature, and has massively unreasonable expectations given that he is a parent with responsibilities to his SO and his children. You are both too young to get married. Don't even consider it until you're BOTH at least 25. Hopefully you're planning on a really long engagement. Don't marry people who say “Fuck you”.

  6. If he says its once a week, ask what day, see if can get a photo or describe her clothing, anything which you can independently verify if she was actually there based on a day she was out of the house, worm a certain top/dress/shoes.

    Ask what the guy looks like, if its the same person

    He could be making it up, until you can verify anything its a rumour.

    Don't acuse her of anything until you have proof, because if you trust her, the ntrust her until proven otherwise. and if she is having an affair an you acuse her of being at a certain restartant with the guy, and no proof, well they won't ever go back there.

    If you get proof take her there for dinner seeing she likes it so much.

  7. It’s manipulative, it’s about asserting control, it’s abuse. It’s low key abuse meant to make OP question her sanity, but it’s still abuse, and it’s working. I hope she leaves him.

  8. What if she is on the spectrum? Or her brain just works differently than most people's? She just said, fun is not her priority, not what she seeks or values. Obviously she would NOT rather be out partying or having casual flings. And no I don't think one miscommunication means it's just over. Fun has a definition? What about happiness? Love? Yes, the words have definitions, not the feelings. People can value each other and even be in love, or just date or whatever, and still have their own personal feelings and sometimes words don't come out right. How was what you said helpful to her at all?

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