❤Sascha❤ the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


❤Sascha❤, 18 y.o.


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❤Sascha❤ live sex chat

Date: October 17, 2022

20 thoughts on “❤Sascha❤ the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Hello /u/whiskmeoffmyfeet,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  2. Luckily y’all live separately. I just got a puppy and I work a lot and I still have time for it – as you would a child after work. My father babysits??your bf’s dog is exactly like my cousins that got 2 pits and never walk them or interact with other dogs. Like what do people except from an animal?? They are just automatically good or something lol

  3. Just remember that if you have kids, who are half of you, they’ll probably experience similar issues from their grandparents unless this is dealt with.

  4. the thing is he did make time and come over 3-4 times a week i guess it was the fact that he would be missing weekends that bothered me

    also the fact that towards the ending of the relationship sex stopped and he eventually stopped coming over lol u right u right lol

    relationships r scary especially those that u thought it was gonna last forever and the person seemed like a dream in the beginning

  5. Well then I highly recommend that you communicate this to her instead of crying about it alone. If you’ve already had this discussion and she hasn’t changed behaviors then I hate to break it to you, but she never will.

  6. You met on Tinder!!! Not exactly playing hard to get or showing values and morals when you put yourself on there. There's a certain group of guys that go on there and you found one!! Just be careful!

  7. Well, your relationship is over. As soon as she starts falsely accusing you of things, trust is completely gone. Now you need to talk to a lawyer, explain the situation to them, and prepare for a shitshow, because, if you break up with her, or even stay with her, she'll claim to others that you raped her. You can't touch her again….. EVER….

    If she was invested in this relationship, she just shot herself in the foot, because she just destroyed it.

  8. Good on you for seeking therapy! Follow through with that. Your therapist will give you far, far better advice than us random redditors. We should not know all your details, and your therapist should.

    For the short term: are you in school? Can you join a study group or some other activity that puts you with other people? If you have the time, volunteering can keep you busy and social. If your life is busy and full of people and activities, that “can't live without him” feeling may lessen the more you actually DO things without him. 'Do things' so you can work on becoming the person you want to be.

  9. Okay. The situation is not good. Have a talk with your bf and tell him what you have posted. Tell him that you are super uncomfortable and that their closeness bothers you. But before you talk to him, decide what you will do if he insists on downplaying it or flat out refuses to stop associating with her.

    Another thing: Find out what the falling out with her cousin was about. Ask the cousin. The answer may be enlightening.

  10. Holy shit. So you’re stuck footing a bill, when he spent all that money, time and sexual energy on cam girls. Was there anything left for you in those 4.5 years? Why would you even consider staying?

  11. he has become extra friendly with his female friends

    He said that he resents being in this relationship with me.

    I told him that I did not want to lose him, he told me that I lost him a long time ago.

    He's told you what he wants. he's already checked out. He's already gone. He's already looking for the next couch to sleep on while he's unemployed.

    What am I doing wrong? What should I do?

    Give him what he wants… an ultimatum to move out. Then he can be useless, resentful and unthankful to someone else.

    A healthy relationship is 2 people… if your hearts in the right place but his is with random girls? then you don't have a healthy relationship.

  12. Honestly, if you know his address I’d stake out his house. His parents might own it, but it doesn’t mean they live there. Spending the night is easily explainable. He could say friends, work, and etc. If for nothing else it can give you closure, so you finally know the truth.

  13. LEAVE HER!!!! You deserve soooo much better than this. You are a loving, forgiving husband and she has BETRAYED your marriage. She does not deserve a third chance. I’m so so sorry you are going through this. Get a lawyer!

  14. Honestly? What will confronting him or talking to him about it do? You've done it several times and every time he tries to say that he's not talking to her, you're crazy, that he will stop, blah blah. But he doesn't stop. He just starts hiding it more. You end up forgiving him or letting it go and the cycle repeats.

    Insanity is doing the same thing, expecting different results.

    He cares about this woman a whole lot more than he should. He disregards your feelings and boundaries. Having a history is not enough of a reason to keep dealing with this crap.

    You're driving yourself crazy for a man that cares more about someone else.

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