?❤️ Vanessa ❤️? the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


?❤️ Vanessa ❤️?, 20 y.o.

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Online Live Sex Chat rooms ?❤️ Vanessa ❤️?

?❤️ Vanessa ❤️? live sex chat

Date: October 23, 2022

23 thoughts on “?❤️ Vanessa ❤️? the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Sorry to hear that, but you can't hope that he might change and start to love you again. Personally I don't think we can ever get over someone we truly loved, we usually learn to manage our feelings towards them but a part of us will always be in love. You should try to give others a chance, it won't be the same but it doesn't have to be. the right guy will do wonders, you'll never know unless you try to let someone else into your life

  2. Your a serial cheater. You will always find reasons and make excuses to cheat. The best approach is not to be in a relationship for the sake of your sanity and the people around you. Some people are not designed to be monogamous. And if you had really worked on yourself you wouldn't have cheated again(this time on your AP) because by then you'd have known your reasons for going astray.

  3. Yikes this guys sounds like a walking red flag. Good thing it’s only 6 months. There are plenty of people out there who will not care what you wear as long as you’re happy.

  4. Honestly to relive it and explain it again in this post was probably really tough. To look the man you love in the eyes and have to explain it again will be harder. Believe you have great strength to endure this. I understand how you feel and it's truly never something you fully recover from. When I got pregnant with my daughter I sat in my (now) husband's arms and cried for idk how long. I mourned the child I lost and feared for the child I was planning on bringing into this world. It was extremely helpful that he knew why I was crying and was prepared to support me correctly every step of the way. This is an important conversation to have and I truly do hope you have it.

  5. your friends will withdraw and stop hanging out with you if you keep bringing him around. they may do it anyways because as others have said, you are the company you keep.

  6. The housework is not a problem. I do a lot and I do it because that is maintaining a household. I brought it up because she feels loved when I cook every meal and so forth. She appreciates that I do most shopping. She expresses gratitude and she is happy. I am of course happy when she is happy. But, she has no need to touch me, to hug me, to initiate sex. I need that. If she would cook one night I would be happy of course but I wouldn’t feel loved, she feels loved when I carry that load. Do you see the difference? Do you understand why I brought up house chores? We have no problem there. When I bring up intimacy she will admit that we need more of that. If she gets flustered and wants to argue she will bring up old grievances that really has no place in that discussion and these grievances always show up when she wants to shut me down. Some old economic situation that is overplayed and other stuff like that.

  7. Like I said before this is a decision you will have to make either wait till marriage or you gonna have to end it. If you really love her you wouldn’t mind still going to the hotel and just cuddle knowing that sex will not happen. At this point their not to much advice Reddit can offer because this just comes down to either are you willing to wait or not.

  8. From my experience these posts (or at least in the comments) OP will usually say “I have never cheated or been with someone else during that period.”

    OP doesn’t do that anywhere, while also saying “the test was negative – but maybe they tampered with it?”

    This makes it sound like she knows that there is a chance that it’s real, but that maybe it isn’t (or at least she’s hoping)

    Lastly – if you go in and have a look on OP’s comments, in the beginning every response to the people saying “take another” she answers “no he won’t be interested” and “I just want to get to a civil place again”

    This (to me) makes it look like she knows she slept with someone else around that time – and instead taking the chance with another test instead wants tips on how to get him to believe that his family is conspiring against her and drop the accusations.

  9. What do you mean by “I’ve called for professional help and they’ve all told me the same”

    who were the professionals, and how many did you see? Did they really all they you the same thing? Do you see a regular therapist? Do you have friends? Do you have hobbies? How do you spend your time when you're not with your bf?

    Try to find a new outlet for your anxiety. Maybe its knitting, or journaling, or lifting weights, running, meditating, growing herbs, playing an instrument, cooking, painting, reading. Whatever. Find something thats yours.

  10. I'm talking about the baby Mama's role in OP taking care of her grandchild. Didn't you read the posts before you commented?

  11. No one deserves to be disrespected like that, especially by someone they liked. You should encourage your bf to not take this girls BS to lash back or encourage him to stop going to any group hangout that this girl and her bf are invited to and if the other friends ask just tell them that you're not dealing with the disrespect.

    One more uf that girl tells you some shit like how your bf used to like her response with “he knows better now”

  12. huge fucking red flag. it’s really not cool that he tried gaslighting you instead of owning up to it. all around this was not okay and the way he handled it made it even worse.

  13. “Maybe in the future” is a thing people say during breakups to calm the other person down, and it's somewhere between a platitude and a “maybe 10 years from now if we accidentally run into each other” thing. It pretty much never means “wait around for me now, I'm just gonna press pause and then maybe come back.”

  14. She sounds very unstable. Why even bring up her sexual history to other people? She’s deliberately inviting criticism from people who don’t matter- like that guy at the bar, and clearly she doesn’t react well to someone who disagrees with her.

    I’m not even gonna touch the part where she was pushing you to get into a fight. Even if it was just to “stand up for her” and not get physical, she’s starting drama and dragging you into it. Literally no one but you two need to know about her sexual past. It’s ridiculous. She’s 30.

  15. You're the best dad. Just be there; it's the most some of us can ask for and you're doing a stupendous job. Blessed be your little family and that Justice may come for him.

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